The whole thing was rather upsetting to him.
We did try a recipe for yam chews that Charlie gave on his blog. We think we need to let the dry a little longer, but all in all they were a big hit with Sam! Thank you, Charlie!
We don’t have any pictures of Sam eating them, because he was just too quick for the camera, but here he is pre-yam.
I thought I would follow up last week’s weather report with an update of how our weather has been. We had one more rain shower, but the last couple of days have been dry, warmer and very pleasant.
Here is the view I have at my office.
This is the drive home. There was lots of snow at Top of the World…
…and none in Devil’s Canyon. This is my favorite part of the trip.
That is our truck in the front to help give an idea of scale.
This is the Queen Creek Tunnel.
The rest of the weekend was spent planting Geraniums and cleaning and reorganizing the craft room. Sam of course was lots of help, and even put on his official ranger hat to help.
We hope you all have a wonderful week!